Hedgehog Campaigns

Hedgehog Street is a joint campaign led by British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) and Peoples Trust for Endangered Species (PTES)
We are grateful to BHPS for giving us permission to share their information. Please check out their website for more. including a whole range of FREE downloadable resources
BHPS and PTES carry out reguar surveys on the health of Britains hedgehog popuation
You can read the full 2022 HERE , but here are the report headlines:
Hedgehogs in Britain have undergone a long historic decline, but differences between urban and rural populations are increasingly apparent.
In urban areas, the picture is of a stable population showing signs of recovery. This highlights the importance of gardens and green spaces, and local action, in ensuring a future for hedgehogs.
In stark contrast, rural populations remain low. In the last two decades, numbers have continued to decline by between a third and three-quarters nationally. The largest declines are seen in the eastern half of England.

Why hedgehog Streets?
Val Green from One Voice for Animals Uk grew up in the countryside and now lives in a city. Val observed that back in her countryside village there were no longer any hedgehogs due to intersive farming methods, howvever in her city- Val was receiving hedgehog visitors to her garden, Val recognised his previous jhefgehog population was vulnerable to garden =hazards such as strimmers and slug pellets, but another big challenge was hedgehogs need freedom to roam - hedgehog highways
Why do hedgehogs need holes in fences?
Hedgehogs travel around one mile every night through our parks and gardens in their quest to find enough food and a mate. If you have an enclosed garden you might be getting in the way of their plans.
One of the main reasons hedgehogs are struggling in Britain is because our fences and walls are becoming more and more secure, reducing the amount of land available to them.
We can make their life a little easier by removing the barriers within our control – for example, by making holes in or under our garden fences and walls for them to pass through.
DIY ‘Hedgehog Highways’
13cm by 13cm square is sufficient for any hedgehog to pass through. This will be too small for nearly all pets.
Here are a couple of ideas on how you can add your hedgehog highway to your garden and help support our amazing iconic hedgehogs

Be hedgehog aware campaign

One Voice for Animals UK is proud to support the hedgehog aware campaign and encourage everyone to add sticker reminders to power tools.
Get your stickers from