Help Animals UK has partnered with charity donate platform giving us the ability to set up organisation profiles and donate pages for our members who need it.
If you don't have your own website or you are dependent on a PayPal link, Help Animals UK will set you up a donate page on the Peoples Fundraising platform, and link your website button from the appeal database, giving you a much better chance of receiving donations from the public.
People's Fundraising is part of, a charity that supports good causes.
Here's what we need from you:
1. Your establishment name
2. A description of what your establishment does. This is likely to be the same as your 'about' page on Facebook
3. A link to your Facebook page
4. Your name and address
5. Your email
6. Your telephone number
7. Your logo or photo to use on the donate page - smaller than 250kb
8. Your choice of colour scheme - Dark blue or Dark Green
9. The name, sort code and account number of your business bank account
Visit the above link, complete the form then Email us at with your logo
There are no registration or monthly fees. There are deductions from donations, however the fees are very low when compared to similar Donation platforms. Peoples Fundraising Fees
Payment Transfers
Payments are transferred by People's Fundraising to you fortnightly
There are lots of other tools available to you on People's Fundraising once we have you set up as an organisation, including setting up fundraisers, auctions or raffles Help Animals UK will only be setting up the donate page.
Anything else is up to you. :-)