One Voice for Animals UK Campaigns
Wildlife Crime and What you can do to help
This new campaign will focus on the different types of wildlife crime we see in the UK and what we can do about it
How to report a wildlife crime
The National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU) give the following advice:
You may also link directly to your local Police Force wildlife crime page via Wildlife Crime Links. Please note that at this time not all Police Forces have such pages and that the NWCU are not responsible for the content of any pages.
NWCU has agreement that Crimestoppers will forward your anonymous information to them. When NWCU receive a Crimestoppers report we can ensure it is acted upon.
For more information click here, to be taken to the page. Please be aware the link shows some disturbing images
Call 999
Call 101
What to do if you witness wildlife crime
If you suspect a wildlife crime is/has taken place
Report any suspicious activity as soon as possible to Police on 101 or 999 if it is an emergency, and ask to speak to a Wildlife Crime Officer if one is available
Take note of the date, time, and weather conditions
If possible, identify a map reference using the My Three Words app, or ideally a GPS reading of both the incident scene and location from where you witnessed the incident
Note a description of person/s involved including gender, age, height, clothing, etc
Write down any vehicle registration numbers, make, model, and colour that may be involved
Identify other witnesses and obtain their name and contact details
If possible, video or photograph the scene, or make a rough sketch
Cover up any suspected poisoned baits or victims to prevent any animal or person from coming into contact with them.
Do report. Even if you are not sure - report the incident. The evidence of wildlife crime is not always obvious.
Do not:
Do not disturb the scene by moving items or walking about unnecessarily
Do not touch dead animals or birds, especially if you suspect that poison may have been used
Do not interfere with legal countryside practices such as the legal use of traps and snares, hides, high seats, and shooting butts.
Never approach suspects or intervene if you suspect someone is committing a wildlife crime – you may put yourself in danger.
The Hunt Saboteurs Association provide the following hotline to report illegal hunting: 07443148426.
If a hunt has endangered your animals - please email the team at Minis Law on: